Evidences of Spinal Cord Regeneration:
by Intervention of Inductive PsychoplastyThe most common cause of spinal injury is road traffic accident. It affects to young age persons.
The nervous system contained with two types of neurons- upper motor neuron and lower motor neuron. The cell body of upper motor neurons is resided in the brain. The axon of neurons extend down through the spinal cord to the lower cell body of the peripheral system. Likewise there are two types of pathways- sensory and motor, both are running through the spinal cord.
In case of spinal injury, usually the delicate structure of axon which remains in the spinal cord becomes damage. Because of this the cell body of upper neurons are turned disconnected from the target cells and lower neurons. It is resulted as sensory or motor lose or both.
Spinal Cord Injury
MRI of Injured Spine
Limitations of Available Treatments-
Spinal cord injury is usually managed by vertebral fixation, decompression with pedicle screws. But axonal track if once damaged can not be regenerated or reestablished again. Therefore patient does suffer lifelong. Although in case of other animals like fish, the spinal cord regeneration is easily possible but mammal’s physiology does not allow so for. The neuroscientists are trying to manage this problem by using various mechanisms like peripheral nerve grafting, stem cell transplantation, bio-assisted growth of axon.
New Hope of Healing-
Inductive Psychoplasty claims and are presented evidences to the regeneration, elongation and reformation of axons toward the target cells up to a great distance in the damaged human spinal cord. It helps to reanimate the motor and sensory functions beyond available modern medicines and therapies.
How it works-
The Mechanism of Spinal Cord Regeneration-The brain may be inducted by the thought or stimuli. The Inductive Psychoplasty Technique takes both advantage at same moment. During the trance clinical suggestion are given, those inducts the brain to produce the movements. At same time, electrical stimulations are also given externally at peripheral sites. Imposed both inductions are caused to create a progressively strong psychophysical integration, it helps sprouting the tip of cut axons (growth cones or filopodia). The bipolar induction promotes the growth cones' elongation toward targets cells.
When the Inductive Psychoplasty treatment begins-
A spinal cord injury is a medical emergency. Immediate treatment can reduce long-term affects. The surgical procedure and management like decompression with pedicle screws should be performed at the beginning, later on when patient becomes stable then the Inductive Psychoplasty Treatment may be introduced as a rehabilitation therapy.
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© Dr.J.P.Singh