Treatment of HEAD TRAUMA Paralysis:
A CASE Study of Sonia Tiwari-
Treated with Inductive Psychoplasty
NAME: Sonia Tiwari
AGE: 27yrs.
SEX: Female.
MOTHER: Vibha Tiwari.
ADDRESS: Q-604, Reliance Township, PIPLOD, DIMAS Road.
DURATION OF ILLNESS: Since 10yrs back.
REASONS FOR ONSET: Road traffic accident (Bus accident) Head Injury.
Sonia (present age around 26) met with a major road accident almost 10 years ago 22nd, August- 2000. Accident happened when she was returning back from her tuition class (she was studding in class IX) on her bicycle (which she was dragging, not riding). A bus hit her head while trying to overtake some other vehicle. She fell unconscious at the spot and was not helped by people on the road as they were afraid of police enquiries and other legal formalities. She laid unconscious at the spot for almost 40 minutes and then someone called ambulance and she was taken to hospital. In hospital also, a lot of time was spent doing formalities. Doctors suggested taking her to a more sophisticated hospital. And again some more time was spent in traveling to the other Hospital.
On reaching this hospital we realized that a lot of time was wasted, so for a severe damage happened in the cerebellum due to lack of oxygen and physical hurt. Her collar bones were fractured. No other body part was injured. She was in coma under ventilation system for almost one month and then she started gaining consciousness gradually. After 6 months of the accident she was able to talk although not very clearly. She was able to move her limbs but there was no coordination and balance in the body. So, she was not able to walk. In fact she was not able stand on her feet also. She was not able to eat herself also. After few more days, her right side of the body observed more active than the left side of the body. This left side inactiveness includes her eyes also. Her thought process was not disturbed as she was able to think and also recalled some memories.
Later on, she admitted in the All India Institute of Physical Medicines and Rehabilitation, Mumbai. According to the guidance of the Doctors treatment and physiotherapy is still continued.
Now, after almost 10 years suffering, her current condition is: She is still not able to walk as she is afraid of walking herself alone. She walks with support of one or two persons. She is still not able to do her personal things properly (like bathing, natural calls). She can stand without support but not for longer time as she is afraid of falling. She can talk but it's not very clear. Her right side of the body is hyperactive and left side is very slow. It takes time to move her left part of the body. She never cries with tears although she feels sad. Doctors are not sure why she never cries. Sometimes she watches TV and sometimes she just sits idle and says no for any activity. Sometimes, when she is alone, she pretends as if she is talking to someone but without saying anything.
Head injury
Diffused cerebral oedema
Intra-ventricular hemorrhage
on 21st August 2010 before treatment-
Can stand alone with support for 2 minutes.
Lack of neuro-muscular co-ordination
Right eye hyper blinking, nystagmus eyes
Facial palsy, twitching lips
Speech is slow, unclear voice, volume low
Socialization is poor due to confinement.
Functional tremor in both the upper lower limbs.
Lack of maintaining balance.
Stagnancy of mental age on 15
Self muttering while alone.
Facial asymmetry.
Ataxic several voluntary functions
Unable to balance body weight while standing, bending, walking.
Unable to walk unsupported.
Gait disturbed.
Skipping ideas and concentration
Fear of standing and walking
Under severe depression
Mind turns black-out for certain period all of sudden while working
Unable to express yourself properly due to voice difficulty.
Neck latterly flex to right
Orientation well for person, place etc.
Not walk unsupported since accident
Not tearing since accident
Seen involuntary ticks.
Spastic and hyper tonic some muscles
Joints immovable, restricted, rigid, stiff
Left side weakness in upper and lower limbs
Right side hyper tonic muscles.
On 30th August-2010, after 10 days PSYCHOPLASTY treatment-
Performance of 10 days Psychoplasty treatment-
Click the links to observe the moments-
© Dr.J.P.Singh