An Evidence of Spinal cord Regeneration by Inductive Psychoplasty

A Case Study of Santanu Ghosh:


NAME:                                    Santanu Ghosh.

AGE:                                        27 yrs.

SEX:                                        Male.

MARITAL STATUS:               Single.

EDUCATION:                         B.TECH (Telecom engineering).

OCCUPATION:                      Service in GTL.


FATHER:                                 Janardan Ghosh.

MOTHER:                               Sukla Ghosh.

ADDRESS:                              28/1(878) Purbachal (North) Road,
P.O.-Haltu, Kolkata-700078 India.


DURATION OF ILLNESS:    For the past 9 months.

BACKGROUND HISTORY: A car accident took place at Buxa forest on December 22, 2009. The client had severe spinal injury of D-12.


Clinical Feature on 21.08.2010 before treatment

Sense- up to pelvic crest

Motor Function- Paralyzed from D-12

Trying to walk with walker and gaiter,  pelvic unstable.

Unpleasant sensation- Burning and pain over affected limbs, habitually taking sleeping pill- Alzolam-0.75 mg daily at night. Sudden severe pain (cause unknown) within 10 to 15 days, manages by Injection Fortwin.

Unable to control or hold anus sphincter and urine but can feel.

Have no more hope for further recovery in his mind.


Clinical Feature on 28.08.2010 after Psychoplasty treatment


Sense- Developed area of sense from pelvic crest to middle pelvic both side

Sensory area extended in right limb from D-12 to thigh, medium sense feeling on slight pressure and touch to the knee joint.

Motor function- Ability to make control pelvic while walking with walker and gaiter.

            Left knee-extension on support has noticed

            Right knee-flexion on supported has noticed

Pain and burning sensations- Can sleep without sleeping pill and injection.

Over all a significant recovery and improvement has been noticed.


MRI and X-Ray of fractured D-12 disk of Spine-


Report after Rehabilitation Process-



Assessment Report after Inductive Psychoplasty Treatment-



Developed sensory area after Inductive Psychoplasty Treatment-



Pelvic control after Inductive Psychoplasty Treatment-



Click on links to observe Moments-


Walk with walker and gaiter-


Statement of Santanu Ghosh-


Knee flexion and extension-

© Dr.J.P.Singh  www.brainsetup.com