Introduced by Dr JP Singh
Inductive Psychoplasty, means psychologically inducted neuroplasty technique, it was introduced by Dr JP Singh. It is a rehabilitation procedure, psycho-physical medicine that helps to treat the conditions of paralysis caused by-
1. CVA-stroke or Hemorrhage
2. Head trauma
3. Spinal cord Injury
4. Neuro-pathology
5. Surgery of CNS (Brain and Spine).
According to a study initiated by the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, there are nearly- 1 in 50 people living with paralysis. Paralysis is worldwide the most common cause of disability. Inductive Psychoplasty treatment is useful to those patients who are unfortunately suffering from incurable paralysis and not seem any further hope of recovery. It offers a new scope of healing beyond available modern medicines and therapies.
It is a psychologically inducted therapeutic process, helps to initiate the dormant phenomenon of neuroplasty. The treatment is comprised with the modern Medicines, Physiotherapy and Psychotherapy. It may be recommended to the stable patients. It has already been tested and proven success-rate is good-enough even after long term of prognosis. It helps to restore the activities in daily life (ADL) of paralyzed patients as well as make them competent to fight against disability.
The idea has invented and presented by Dr JP Singh on 19th, March- 2012 among the experts review committee of Indian council of Medical Research (ICMR), the committee was presided by PadmShree Prof PN Tandon, the eminent neurosurgeon.
It is a quite safe treatment, free from side effects, gentle and easy to use, consists of the following three prime elements and three associative elements; those are individually tested, recognized, worldwide well known and usually in practice-
Elements of Inductive Psychoplasty
The Prime Elements -
Suggestions during Trance (Clinical Hypnosis)
Electrical Stimulations (NMS, TENS, IFT, Mentamove)
Rehabilitation Therapy (Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy)
The Associative optional Elements -
Anabolic Agents (Nandrolone)
Neurotonics (Mecobalamin)
Nootropics or Cerebral Activators (Piracetam)
The Prime
(The integral part of the
The modern studies of human brain revealed that our brain works under some known measurable frequencies. The frequency range corresponds at a time to certain kinds of activities performed by the person. The brain frequencies are generally leveled on four slabs as beta, alpha, theta and delta.
The awakening conscious frequency is called beta, it is above than 13 cps. When a person droops in to the sleep, the decreased brain frequency runs between 13 cps to 5 cps. Most of usual sleep takes place in alpha and theta range. The clinical hypnosis helps to decrease the frequency of brain without obtaining the natural sleep. Such a moment, subconscious becomes open for suggestive input. During the course, the therapist imposes verbal suggestions; that inducts the brain psycho-neurologically. In this way, accordingly the phenomenon of brain plasticity is taken-palace.
The affected nerves and muscles are stimulated by: Neuro-muscular Stimulator (NMS), TENS, IFT, Mentamove, rTMS (Trancecranial Magnetic Stimulation), PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy). The electrical stimulations facilitate neurotransmission, neuroconnectivity at the affected sites. It works as a recurrent strong external stimuli signal that does induct and promote brain cell plasticity with the help of hypnotic suggestions.
PEMF and rTMS works by stimulating cells electrically, magnetically, chemically. Therapy increases the cellular membrane permeability by mechanically contracting the cells, and by stimulating the ion channels through the cell membrane. It allows better circulation of oxygen and nutrients into the cells and waste products out of the channels. It improves cell metabolism by stimulating the opening of ion channels in the cell membrane.
Cellular and Biological effects of NMS, PEMFand rTMS -
· Improves intercellular fluid and blood flow
· Stimulates the production of ATP
· Increases Cellular Oxygen Level
· Increases Energy Levels
· Promotes Cellular Healing
· Stimulates Iner-cellular Communications
· Stimulates Electron Transports in Cells
· Accelerate Tissue Repair
· Accelerate Cell Growth
· Promotes Faster Healing of Injury
· Reduces Fibrous Tissue Formations
· Reduces Swelling and Inflammation
· Stimulates the Release of Endorphins
The Rehabilitation therapy refers the therapeutic, healing treatment a patient receives after an injury. The aim of this programme is to help the patient to resume as active and healthy a lifestyle after injury as well as possible the best. It is based on following two kinds of techniques:
(A) Physiotherapy: It helps to restore movement and function to as near normal as possible. The physical therapy uses physical agents: electrotherapy, included exercise, tissue manipulation, joints movements and other modalities of treatments focused on maximizing function in specific body parts.
(B) Occupational therapy: The Occupational therapy focused on techniques that prepare patient to work on normal daily routine in spite of injury or sufferings. It is the therapeutic use of work, self-care, and play activities to increase development and prevent disability. It may be included adaptation of task or environment to achieve maximum independence and to enhance the quality of life. It is based on mainly following two goals as-
Self-Care: feeding, sleeping, bathing, grooming,
dressing, toileting, transferring- bed to chair and back, mobility, stairs etc.
Work: effort that is needed to perform any task while working.
The Associative
(Desirable option to use of medicines during treatment)
1. Anabolic Agents (Nandrolone) –
The anabolic agents (Nandrolone) increases rate of constructive metabolism, the process by which an organism converts simpler compound in to living, organized substances in the body. It is recommended in injection form in an ideal dose, if physical condition of the patient allows for the same. The Nandrolone overcome chronic debility of the patient, after administration of the dose patient feels strength in his body, it helps to grow mental confidence and promotes the process of brain cell plasticity.
Although it has clinically been proved that there is no any role of Nandrolone in recovery of paralysis but it creates euphoria and supports constructive metabolism that helps to establish the effect of inductive psychoplasty during treatment. If any patient bearing the tendency of negativity, as a whole debility along with acute depression then the administration of Nandrolone can boost-up the mental power and facilitate them.
2. Neurotonics (Mecobalamin) –
The mecobalamin is the neurologically active form of vitamin B-12. Studies revealed that mecobalamin is effective in neuron repairing and neuron rejuvenator in the peripheral area. It is useful in case of peripheral neuropathy, diabetic neuropathy, alcoholic neuropathy and drug induced neuropathy. Injection form of mecobalamin under ideal dose promotes nerve regeneration.
3. Nootropics or Cerebral Activators (Piracetam) -
Nootropics or cerebral activators claims to improve the cerebral functioning, protects cerebral cortex against hypoxia (an abnormally decrease supply or concentration of oxygen) and cerebro-cortical insufficiency. It is indicated to aging disorders such reduced cerebral functioning- evidence by memory loss, intellectual decay, character disorders, psychomotor disorders.
Cause of paralysis:
The neurons (brain cells) work in a network system. They do not work randomly and independently, they work as an integral part of some pre-established compact neuronal networks. The neuronal networks are involved with various kinds of information processing and movements. The broken network is the prime cause of paralysis. Paralysis may be functional or organic or both.
Method of treatment:
• Patient gets in to the clinical trance.
• Put instant and post-hypnotic suggestions.
• Patient get-back in normal consciousness.
• Electrical stimulations-NMS, PEMF, rTMS are given.
• Need based Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy is introduced.
Duration of treatment:
• Three to four weeks.
© Dr.J.P.Singh